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Low Cost Serverless Splunk Exporter

Vamsi Vamsi Follow Apr 14, 2019 · 11 mins read
Low Cost Serverless Splunk Exporter
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Delivering a low-cost, scalable, audit events pipeline to a SIEM (Splunk | QRadar ) from Oracle…

Splunk is a SIEM tool used for Security Analytics. The article outlines the choice of components from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to stream logs from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to Splunk. Below are some data points


Number of Data Centers / Regions in Tenancy - 4 Regions
Number of Compartments in each Region       - 96 Compartments
Number of Federated Users                   - 82 Users
Number of Resources audited in tenancy      - 1921 Resources

{'region': 'ap-mumbai-1', 'resource_count': 827}
{'region': 'eu-frankfurt-1', 'resource_count': 342}
{'region': 'us-phoenix-1', 'resource_count': 752}

Number of Audit events generated / day      - 1 Mio. + Events

Overall Cost/Month        $
Oracle Health Checks  - 0.3 $
Oracle API-Gateway    - 3.0 $
Oracle Notifications  - 1.2 $
Oracle Functions      - 3.0 $
Oracle Streaming      - 2.0 $
Overall Cost          ~ 10 $

For the Impatient

Link to the source code and implementation tutorial for those who know what this means and just wants to get this working. vamsiramakrishnan/splunk-export-audit *For Integrated SecOps , the SIEM plays an important component and Splunk is a very popular SIEM solution. The setup…*

For the others — What is a SIEM

SIEM Stands for

(S)ecurity (I)nformation & (E)vent (M)anagement

Think of the SIEM as a single source of truth for all kinds of Security Events.

For table stakes, what a SIEM will have for sure are

1) Event Ingestion
Logs/ Events from multiple sources, Network - Subnets, Gateways, Load Balancers, Firewalls, WAFs, Identity Systems - Auth, Configuration Logs etc.

2) Event Processing
Event Processing is mostly log parsing & enriching log data into a searchable and indexable format.

1) Event Indexing & Search
A Combination of In-Memory, Relational, Document oriented data persistence and archiving layers to provide search functionality.

1) Pattern Building for Correlation
All the components mentioned above are pre-requisites , this is where the SIEM actually provides benefits correlating between multiple events.

1) Analytics
A Series of dashboards, reports ad-hoc and periodic reporting

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This article focusses on getting OCI AuditEvents to that single source of truth for security as soon as possible, at the lowest cost, in a pay-per-use pattern and can scale massively.

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SIEM Trivia — Security Experts please skip.

The SIEM was born out of a necessity to reduce the complexity of correlating logs from multiple Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems — Firewall Appliances, Switches, Routers etc.

SIEMs as an initiative became mainstream at the majority of institutions started off as a compliance-driven initiative and then evolved to become a fully functional SOAR.

Stages of SIEM ImplementationStages of SIEM Implementation

About OCI Audit Events

1) Every CRUD Action on any Oracle Cloud Service is an API Request - Response.
2) The Audit Store logs every Request-Response Interaction with additional metadata in a searchable Persistence Layer.
3) OCI Abstracts this Audit Store as an API for it's customers to Consume. 

Some Defining Principles

Audit-API is regional

The Audit Logs of us-ashburn-1 has to fetched from the Audit API End Point from us-ashburn-1 only!

OCI IAM Constructs are Global653

A Compartment/IAM Policies/Groups/Users when created in one-region is created in all-regions automatically.

Audit Events from

All Regions, All Compartments, Every (1min/5min/10min) etc, 

The Push Model and Pull Model

The Push/Pull Nature of the architecture is determined by the initiator.

Push Model

The System that generates events pushes data to a listener on the SIEM Side.

Pull Model

The SIEM pulls data from a listener where the System publishes generated events

The Protocol

The protocol for publishing is chosen based on the system that produces the event and most SIEM tools have predefined settings based on the source of data ( 500+ Sources ) and the kind of data it publishes


HTTP(S) Receiver/Collector



Log Parsing Formats

The Log formats are usually standards-based but if the source has a custom log format one would configure, the parsing logic based on RegEx, *WildCards, Separators etc


The Data Pipeline

The Big PictureThe Big Picture

How is this implemented in OCI

What is the role of Notifications

Notifications are a means to de-couple functions from one another even if they are a part of the same pipeline. Rather than invoking a function directly from another function we use notifications to trigger functions. This allows one function to terminate without waiting for the subsequent functions to complete execution.

Case : 10 Regions in tenancy subscription, 10 Compartments/Region

Fetch Compartment & Region IDs from 10 Regions x 10 Compartments
Split the 100 - ( Region-x, Compartment-x, Start Time, End Time)
Into batches of 25 , 10 /25 = 4 Batches

Write to Stream in 4 Batches
Publish 4 Notifications
4 parallel copies of downstream function are Triggered.

Info sent in Notifications:
Start Offset of Batches, Size of Batch 

What is the role of Streaming

Streaming allows us to publish messages in an append-only format using a distributed commit log. Since functions are stateless, OCI Streams allow us to store state reliably and preserve context as functions execute and die. The current example uses a single partition, but we could very well use multiple partitions if it exceeds the 1 Mb/Sec write limit and the 2Mb/Sec Read Limit per partition.

Case : Recieved a batch of 25 Region x Compartment Tuple to Query from the Notification Trigger

Fetch Audit Events from 25 Region, Compartment Pair
Assume, each Compartment in each region generates 10 events
25 x 10 = 250 Events

Split the 250- ( Audit event in json )
Into batches of 25 , 250/25 = 10 Batches

Write to Stream in 10 Batches
Generate the Partition ID, Offset, Number of Records to Read 
This is also known as Cursor Information

What gets published in Notifications & what gets published in streaming

Streaming is where the actual audit events are written.

Notifications are leveraged to tell the next function where the events are written a.k.a offset, partition, number of records and

Are functions mandatory here?

No, you could very well package the same code that interacts with the OCI API to fetch audit events and publish them to Splunk across all regions and compartments. The reason for using functions is that it is purely event driven and aligns well with the fact that audit events don’t get generated continuously and rather when users interact with the cloud API

The job of Functions can be done by a container running inside a private Kubernetes Cluster as well.

What are the Design Goals

1. Must require Zero maintenance
2. Must be able to handle huge volumes of data 
3. Must be able to handle changes in tenancy
4. Must be low-cost
5. Must be able to push data to Splunk as fast as possible

Handling changes in tenancyHandling changes in tenancy

The Components Used and How much do they Cost?

  • All Costs Chosen are from the Public Website and are subject to change as per Oracle’s policy.
  • Approximations have been applied

Salient Features
* Helps schedule Functions at a low cost 
* Also provides visibility into if the pipeline is running well.
* Pay-per-use
* Zero Maintenance

Supported Intervals - 30s, 60s, 5min
Cost/Endpoint* - *30 Cents/ Month*
*Qty Reqd.* *1

Overall Cost
0.30$ Per Month

Salient Features
* Provides a Secure HTTPS Endpoint to Trigger Functions
* Pay-per-use
* Zero maintenance

Cost/ Endpoint - 3$ per 1 Mio. API Calls per Month
Qty Required - 1 Gateway , with 8928 API Calls / Month

* Schedule API Call to fetch audit events Once every 5 Min.
* 12 API Calls / Hour
* 744 x 12 API Calls / Month 
* 8928 API Calls / Month

Overall Cost
3$ Per Month

Salient Features
* Provides a Simple way to Trigger Downstream Functions
* Can be called from Fns itself in an easy way
* Allows for a good fire- and forget mechanism
* Pay-per-use
* Zero Maintenance

Cost/ Endpoint - 0.60$ per 1 Mio. Deliveries per Month
Qty Required - 

* For a tenancy that has 96 Compartments & 4 Regions

List-Regions - Stage-1
* Every 5 Min, the list-regions function produces a list of
  96 x 4 = 384  Tuples
* The list-region function Splits 384 into batches of 25
  384/25 = 16
* Publishes 16 Notifications in a 5 Min Interval Window

* 16 x 12 Notification Calls / Hour
* 744 x 192 Notification Calls / Month  
* 142,848 Notification Calls / Month

Fetch-Regions - Stage-2
Assuming 10 Audit Events/ Compartment/ Region / 5 Min Window

10 Audit Event x 96 compartments x 4 regions 
3840 Audit Events / 5 Min Window

* The fetch-audit-event function Splits 3840 into batches of 25
  3840/25 = 154 Batches
* Publishes 154 Notifications in a 5 Min Interval Window

* 154 x 12 Notification Calls / Hour
* 744 x 1848 API Notification Calls / Month  
* 1,374,912  Notification Calls / Month

Overall Requirements
* Overall  = Stage-1 + Stage-2
* 1,517,760 Notification Calls/ Month

Overall Cost
1.2 $ / Month

Salient Features
* Keep Calm ! Write Code and Execute Code
* Massively Parallel & Massively Scalable
* Pay-per-use
* Zero Maintenance

0.20$ per 1 Mio. Function Invocations per Month
0.1471 for 10,000 MB Seconds of execution time

Qty Required -

* For a tenancy that has 96 Compartments & 4 Regions
* On an average of 130k Fn Invocations/ Per Day
* On an average of Execution Time 1.48 x 10^7 MB_MS Per Day
* 1 Day cost = 1.48 x10^7/10^9( MB_MS -> 10,000 GB_S)* 0.1417 *31
* Monthly Cost =  ~ 3$/Month

Overall Cost
3 $ / Month

Salient Features
* Ease of Use System of Record
* Store Series of Events
* Massively Parallel & Massively Scalable
* Pay-per-use
* Zero Maintenance

0.025 $ per GB of PUT/GET
0.0002$ per GB per Hr STORAGE

Qty Required -

* For a tenancy that has 96 Compartments & 4 Regions
* On an average of 1GB Of Audit Logs/Day
* 2 GB/Day x 0.025$/GB x 31 Days/Month = 1.8 $/Month 
* 1 GB/Day * 24 Hrs/Day * 31 Days/Month * 0.0002$ /GB = .14$/ Month

Overall Cost
2 $ / Month

Overall Cost/Month        $
Oracle Health Checks  - 0.3 $
Oracle API-Gateway    - 3.0 $
Oracle Notifications  - 1.2 $
Oracle Functions      - 3.0 $
Oracle Streaming      - 2.0 $
Overall Cost          ~ 10 $
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Delighting Enterprise Customers with elegantly architected solutions on Oracle Cloud.