Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Challenge

About OCI

OCI stands for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle’s Second Generation Cloud Infrastructure Truly Built for the Enterprise. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure was built from the ground up to perform better and more consistently than the competition, while costing less at scale.

IaaS - Enterprise Cloud - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

With Oracle Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) you can migrate traditional mission-critical applications and build new cloud native applications with superior price-performance, on the same flexible network.


This is a static site to help candidates to get information on the OCI Challenge under one roof. It contains


to help candidates crack the challenge. All the best. Read on.

The Big Picture

This entire test is a process of evaluating candidates who have the same passion that Oracle Cloud has

Building great Cloud Native Innovation. Scaling it reliably for the Enterprise.

The Architecture of the application that will be deployed by the candidate on OCI



The completion of this challenge happens in phases, starting from a simple spinning up of a Kubernetes Cluster in OKE to creating the entire DevOps Cycle

There is a bonus challenge which involves setting up of

  1. Slack Notifications for Build and Deployment 🏆
  2. Setting up of Cluster Monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana 🏆
  3. Scale Kubernetes Cluster using Slack 🏆


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