Setup OKE - A Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster

Get a highly available Kubernetes Cluster in minutes with Oracle Kubernetes Engine

The procedure is for creating a Highly Available Multi-Master Kubernetes Cluster spanning multiple Availability Domains within a region of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The procedure is written keeping the console in mind, for information on API, please use this link.

Setup a Test Kubernetes Cluster on your Windows Laptop

12 Step tutorial to setup Kubernetes on your Windows 10 laptop

Getting started with Kubernetes on a vanilla linux installation can be overwhelming considering the number of steps and the repetitions involved in setting up master and worker nodes. In this post I intend to explain how to set up Minikube with Hyper-V on your windows 10 laptop so you can play around with it easily.

What is Wercker

CI-CD simplified with Wercker + Kubernetes on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

The use case chosen here is pretty simple. Build a Go Web app every time there is a change and deploy it without any downtime. The same concept can be extended to most apps built with technologies such as Java , Python , Node.js etc.

DevOps General Reading

DevOps on Steroids with Oracle Kubernetes Engine(OKE), Oracle Developer Cloud Service...

An article on hyper-optimization of Continuous Integration and Delivery.

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